Delta  Rising A blues documentary

Clarksdale, Mississippi - you can hear it from the moment you get there.  That distinctive sound.  It is in the heart, soul and blood of this place, center of the Mississippi Delta and its port of entry - Memphis, Tennessee.

Follow Willie Nelson, Morgan Freeman, Bill Luckett, Jimbo Mathus, Scott Bomar, James Montgomery, Chris Cotton, Ruby Wilson, James Super Chikan Johnson and others as they tell their stories about the music, the place, the life and importance of that delta sound - America’s Classical Music.

Directed by

Michael Afendakis

Laura Bernieri

Delta Rising - a blues documentary

Newport Mercury

..deftly explores the many origins and influences of the blues style, and what pops up is a beautifully engaging collage of interviews, performances and historical accounts of blues playing over the decades.

This is a F&$*ing great

movie!  - Jim Belushi

A wonderful film.  - Ken Burns

Produced By

Michael Afendakis

Laura Bernieri

Matthew Goff

Delta Rising can consider me a good friend and a big fan!

- Dan Ackroyd

When I was in Mississippi in

1963 and 1964, Clarksdale was, of course, and important place for the movement.  But we were unaware of its rich history with the blues.  So this film was fascinating for me. - Howard Zinn